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19.12.06 / Young Hot Rod
Young Hot Rod releast Debut Album
Das neueste G-Unit Signing Young hot Rod wird vorraussichtlich im ersten Quartal 2007 sein Debut Album "Fastlane" releasen. Die von Dr.Dre produzierte Single "Be Easy" feat. Mary J.Blige und das zugehörige Video ist seit geraumer Zeit im Radio und dem Musikfernsehen auf Rotation. Die Aufnahmen zum Album sind bereits abgeschlossen.

"The album is done, you know what I'm sayin'? I mean of course we're still recording. You know, you don't stop recording, you know, until basically the very last minute. You can pump out another hit, you know, leading up to the release date. But the album is done.I didn't come from the same background that you know they (G-Unit) came from. So, you're not gonna hear the same kind of content. My content isn't aggressive. The content is mainly focused on partying. You know, having a good time... girls, cars."
Geschrieben von Psycho | 19.12.2006 um 14:02 Uhr
rap  | hiphop  | psycho  | Young Hot Rod  | Album  | g-unit  |
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