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About motivation
Weâ019re all powered by our motives.

When we do stuff â013 we do it because we want to do it.

But why do we want to do it?

We do it because we loose something if we donâ019t do anything…

Or gain something if we do it.

So when we connect a task to a gain â013 weâ019re more likely to do it, right?

Based on needs and wants -- here are some motives for taking action:

1. Money
2. Health
3. Fame
4. Attention
5. Sex
6. Power

We either gain or loose one of those... Thatâ019s why we move.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 18.07.2008 um 21:13 Uhr
motivated  | motivation  | motives  | needs  | wants  |
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