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Disturbed~Just stop

Disturbed~Just Stop

Just stop enough of the limitless critical comments on my life
Just drop the judgement and all of your pseudo-involvement in my life
Just Step back a moment, and look at the miracle started in our life
Stop Don't stop the moment, and let the incredible happen knowing that

All that you want is to criticize
Something for nothing
And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
To be the best in the world

Just stop with all of your little deliberate problems with my life
Enough of all the crippling, terrible pain we feel insideStep back a moment, remember how the miracle started in our lifeTake back the torment; I wontbe enjoying this moment knowing that

All that you want is to criticize
Something for nothing
And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
I know that
All that we want is to feel inside
Some kind of comfort
And all that we've done
We cant hide
We'll be the best in the world

All I ever wanted was to be a real source of compassion
Just For the moment that we find ourselves drowning in
All I ever wanted was to be a real source of compassion
For the moment that we find ourselves drowing in

All that you want is to criticize
Something for nothing
And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
I know that
All that we want is to feel inside
Some kind of comfort
And all that we've done
We cant hide
We'll be the best in the world
We'll be the best in the world

Just stop enough of the venemous critical comments on my life
Just drop the judgement and all of your psuedo-involvement in my life.

A short statement on this text:

Disturbed is US-American Metalband and was based on 1996.
In September 2005 the third album Ten Thousand Fists was published with the Song "just stop".
Why does this song coin me?
This song reminded me on a great person who lived far away.
As soon as I hear the song,i have good mood.
The Band inspires me generally.
A further reason for my choice is the Songtext.
It acts of it others are requested to hold itself on my life.
It becomes the wrong interest about my life condemned.
The mine no comments do to other one require.
Which I can do without people,their pretend their friendship and my confidence abuse.
Nobody wants to see the internal pain.
The Song called about the search of persons,their my life is really important
and that I do all in my life,to order be good.
Genuine attention and assigning my mistakes.
I can identify the sense of the text much with me,since certain parallels are present.
I am not like that,like others have me want however I am I,and whereupon I am proud.
I am not inferior than others,only because i different am…
I am exactly the same as
others a Individium,of which should have their exactly the same respect,as their it of me requires.

Wer das Lied mal hören möchte,schaut entweder auf "http://youtube.com/results?search_query=disturbed just stop&search=Search" oder ich kann´s auch schicken : )


Geschrieben von LaPaz | 12.03.2007 um 18:57 Uhr
Disturbed  | Just stop  |
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