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Hitting the behavioral gaps
We all know that people are the foundation for a long-term success in business.

But some of us are completely stuck to standard models of behavior, related to our own standardized behavioral methods in business.

For example: forgetting to answer that email within 3 days makes the other person feel ignored and completely irrelevant. I know this isnâ019t on purpose â013 but thatâ019s what people think when you keep them on hold. They think you consciously forgot about them â013 plus they think you arenâ019t organized.

Behavioral gaps are positive behavioral patterns - that the critical mass often lacks. Hit these gaps to positively stick-out.

Hereâ019s how you can hit certain behavioral gaps in business:

1. Letting others win (without anticipating anything in return).

2. Laying the focus on others.

3. Actively listening to others.

4. Transfering new opportunities or potential customers to others.

5. Giving away potential power to others.

I believe a key-factor in coming forward is not prioritizing the value of people through irregular action. Treating everyone with the same tenor is a good way to win.

When you flawlessly execute the stuff â013 your competitors donâ019t even have on their agenda â013 youâ019ll come up fast. Trust me on this.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 22.07.2008 um 23:34 Uhr
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