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Inventing products for hidden needs
I recently understood that a lot of people create cool stuff. But than it passed through my mind that our customers donâ019t care about how different or new stuff is. They just say:
â01CWhat is it?â01D

The needs, wants and dreams of people. Thatâ019s what counts before we dive into the invention process.

The mass of all good inventors are aiming at the known needs. But what about the unknown needs? Awesome inventors love to think about those even more.

Think about stuff you want, but arenâ019t completely aware of... (like waiting in line at the grocery store for example â013 youâ019d love to save time but have to follow the selling process of the store).

What can you create for other like-minded people that have the same niche-thought?

If you know the hidden need, you know the new needed product.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 15.07.2008 um 22:09 Uhr
create  | customers  | different  | hidden  | Inventing  | invention  | needs  | process  | products  |
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