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Laser pointer to repel crows for arborists
Laser pointers aren't just used by astronomy and science enthusiasts to shed light on matches and pop balloons. There are several real-world applications where handheld lasers have become an integral part of everyday work. These include hands-on work such as landscaping workers, construction companies, tree specialists and warehouse managers. Here we will look at some of the most popular everyday uses of laser pointers today.


High power laser pointer is not a toy
With countless Youtube videos of laser enthusiast lighting matches and electrical tape cutting. It's no wonder that many people think of a laser pointer 100 as a toy for visual experiments and showing off to friends. But it couldn't be far from the truth. Lasers with solid rays are very useful in a variety of applications. Think from the perspective of the manager of an arborist landscaping company.


You have a tree limit line that is starting to break into the road, and some branches are dangerously close to the local power line. As a property manager, you are not going to cut down trees, but it is very difficult to send the crew onto a ladder and point your index finger up at the particular limb you want to cut down. Enter the green laser pointer.


Use the yellow laser pointer as a light pointing tool to pinpoint specific branches or limbs that your team will cut completely or trim back to a safe distance. With the laser in hand, you can point to specific limbs, branches, or even the leaves you want to remove. Your team can clearly see what you're pointing at, so you don't get confused about what you should or shouldn't reduce. In this way, the arborist team doesn't waste time finding the limbs they want to cut, and they don't overdo or overdo it.



Geschrieben von risoulaser | 01.03.2021 um 09:18 Uhr
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