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Learning from the wind
Thinking in terms of principles, the wind would be a powerful marketer.

The movements (actions) of the wind are:

- Invisible
- Random-like
- Non-linear

The timeframes of persistent, simultaneous and streaming motion, heading in multiple directions, make overtaking or imitating the wind a hard task.

The directions of the wind are based on series of gaps. By this, I mean the winds foresight of the coming gaps behind the initial gap.

The wind streams into empty spaces that lack a physical definition (market gaps).

We live through the visible effects that the wind leaves behind, but we canâ019t tune into the mindset of the wind.

The actions of the wind are often secluded, broadcasting the illusion of non-existence.

And sometimes, when the wind seems to have vanished, weâ019re inside the eye of a hurricane.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 08.08.2008 um 15:35 Uhr
Marketing  | Business  | Advertising  |
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