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Motivational catalysts
Motivation is willingness to act.

And without a necessity â013 there is no action.

So to generate action â013 we have to generate the necessity first.

Our will to act, is dependent on our mental focus.

And our mental focus is a part of our perception.

The perception of everything we perceive is steered by our interests.

And weâ019re mostly interested in the things we want.

Our will to act, is linked to the pushing and pulling forces that lead to action.

Examples for pushing forces:

- Donâ019t wants
- Fears
- Possible losses
- Risks
- Diseconomies

Examples for pulling forces:

- wants
- needs
- dreams
- aspirations

Before we act, weâ019re right in between these two forces.

If we donâ019t act, we risk falling onto the terrain of the forces behind us.

And when we ignore whatâ019s in front, we suddenly lack the motives.

Motivation takes it's beginning in our thoughts.

And certain thoughts attract more thoughts of the same genre.

Control of thoughts leads to Control of self.

And control of self leads to control of the outer circumstances.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 06.08.2008 um 01:09 Uhr
Marketing  | Business  | davidhartung  | motivation  |
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