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Preparing our clients to newness
We experience the gaps in our current reality through emotions and thoughts.

Our decisions are based on:

- Intuition**
- Analysis**
- Experience*

The optional choices that we provide ourselves with, are often the ones that have already worked for us.

When weâ019re supplied with the next innovative filling to our gap, we canâ019t base our decision on experience.

When we do base our decision on experience we donâ019t consider buying the new thing.

*Experience is the opposite of uncertainty.

Innovation is newness and newness is equal to uncertainty (unknown newness).

Uncertainty is a thing that most people want to get rid of.

When we aim at delivering newness, we need to supply our audience with opinion forming information in a memorable and subtle style.

**We should provide answers, that encourage positive intuition and coherent analysis to take place in the minds of our clients, in reference to the new solution.

By doing this, we provide options for more promising directions of thought.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 13.08.2008 um 02:11 Uhr
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