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Square and sinus
Everything natural in our environment is subject to permanent change, and is continuously adapting itself to the constant alteration happening around it.

In nature, change happens smoothly, with no bumps in the lifecycle of the element.

The evolution of nature is analog (wheel).

But our products of yesterday are static and constricted.

Without the brand coming into action to push things further, the product stays the same.

The marketed evolution of our products is digital (steps).

In our world of solutions to unsolved problems, the change takes place in sequences of timed thrusts of improvements.

Sinus companies already have the solutions of 2010. Theyâ019re already there and translated them into the products of today. These companies put their brands or products on terrains of new and growing markets of tomorrow (sinus curve).

Square companies synthetically reinvent the evolution timeline of their products, to make them more profitable in terms of revenue (square curve).

An example of square, is launching a regressed version of a new search engine for searches within audio, and adding sets of improvements by dripping them into the product by and by, marketing each drip like the next product.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 12.08.2008 um 01:29 Uhr
Marketing  | Business  | davidhartung  |
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