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Streaming a -no- away
A 'no' is just a temporary obstacle on the road to success.

Accepting a 'no' is acceptance of temporary failure.

Never accept temporary failure as permanent failure.

A "No" has a meaning (for most people).

But if you take the meaning OFF of the 'no', you will eventually get the 'yes'.

It can take weeks or years, but it WILL happen.

Its about persistence. Dont be too forceful, just BE persistent.

Be patient. Patience is a form of endurance.

Endurance is the foundation of persistence.

Itâ019s not about going fast â013 itâ019s about going slow without stopping.

If you go slow â013 the â01Cnoâ01D will melt away like a rock in a stream of water.

X: â01CI really donâ019t think that this would be the right decision.â01D

Y: â01CAlright, but Iâ019d like you to keep thinking about it anyway - Ok?â01D

X: â01COK - but my decision is probably not going to change."

Keep streaming... you'll get there.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 15.07.2008 um 22:25 Uhr
endurance  | influence  | influencing  | meaning  | persistence  | selling  |
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