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The 3 ways to outrun your competitors
If you want to outrun your competitors, you are probably searching for ways to get yourself or your company in the lead.

You can be better than others in 3 ways:

- Your value is better
- Your value is faster
- Your value is cheaper

Let me give you some examples related to blogging:

Being faster as a blogger, could mean delivering your content at a higher rate.
When your competitors are posting 2 posts a day, try to post 3.
Being faster can also mean replying faster to incoming emails or comments.
You can interact, react and act faster then others.

Cheaper means delivering more personalized value for less value.
Value can be energy, time or money … anything of value to others.
It means giving more for less, or something for nothing.

You can be a better blogger than others, by offering content that exactly matches the needs of a small slice of all your potential readers.
Try personalizing your content even more.
When you have something for everybody, you have the best for nobody.
Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 16.08.2008 um 00:58 Uhr
Marketing  | Business  | davidhartung  |
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