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The Best Standing Desk For Better Productivity
According to a new study by Texas A&M Universityâ019s Health Science Center School of Public Health, they are â014 but not just for workersâ019 health. The popular desks also improved their productivity â013 significantly. The study, which monitored 167 employees in a Texan call center over a six-month period, found that employees using stand-capable desks were more productive than their colleagues in standard, seated desks.

And the productivity of the standing desk workers continued to increase over their seated colleagues steadily over time. In the first month, the stand-capable group had 23 percent more successful calls than their seated colleagues, and by the sixth month, they had 53 percent more successful calls. The findings, which were gathered between fall 2013 and spring 2014, were recently published in the journal IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors.

More significant than the statistical evidence in productivity was the change in outlook, Benden said. Researchers noticed a difference in the workersâ019 â01Ccomfort, attitude about work and how they felt about themselves.â01D But are the studyâ019s findings transferable to other lines of work, say an office worker at a busy law firm or a standing computer desk clerk at a hotel? â01CThe simple answer is yes,â01D Benden said. â01CI think that folks, like you and me, can improve our productivity.â01D

Other Benefits of Standing Desks Can Improve Focus
Back & Neck Pain Relief The comfort and flexibility that comes from a standing gaming desk can bring a welcome respite from back pain, depending on the cause. And being relieved of some or all of the back pain associated with sitting at a desk all day can greatly improve your focus and productivity.

More Energy & Stamina Standing at work, even for parts of the day, has been shown to improve energy and stamina. In one study, researchers followed a group of overweight adults and found that those who used sit-stand desks reported less overall sleepiness and physical fatigue. Another study showed that sit stand desk reduced physical fatigue when used correctly, even though the participants were actually expending more energy and burning slightly more calories. Standing desks have also been shown to help reduce mental fatigue during the work day.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, adjustable height desk workers reported improved job performance and work engagement, and less occupational fatigue, compared to a control group. For many people, the benefit comes from sitting for tasks that require more focus, and standing for less focused tasks, like collaboration or talking on the phone.

Individual Focus and Productivity
â01CThey just sort of sprouted like mushrooms,â01D Gothelf commented, confirming that he has now become a â01Clot more focused,â01D further adding â01CI also do a lot more walking around, because itâ019s easier when youâ019re already sit stand desk to just walk over and talk to someone.â01D Gothelfâ019s recent transition using an best ergonomic office chair is founded on scientific studies revealing that the bodyâ019s metabolism gets sluggish while sitting for extended periods of time. As a consequence, the more sedentary one becomes, the less focus and clarity one has compromising overall productivity and efficiency.

Beneficial for Companies
Besides the obvious improvement in output when companies add adjustable height desk to their office environment, people become healthier by boosting their metabolism and maintaining more relaxed muscles. Less tension is held in the neck, shoulders and back while standing and mobility further facilitates this. For employers looking to cut healthcare costs and lost time due to ill or injured workers, electric standing desk can go a long way to ameliorating expenses. Health expert Carla Sottovia says that pressure from sitting hunched over a computer screen all day long puts undue pressure on the lower back by a whopping 275%, while standing actually decreases it by 100%. She also adds that taking short breaks by walking around and wearing proper footwear while standing is also important to overall health.

Standing desk can help to increase mood and energy
On top of increasing blood flow and brainpower, an uptick in focus, and decreases in back pain, standing desks also give employees more energy throughout the day. In a two-month research study, a whopping 87% of those studied reported an increase in energy of excitement while at the workplace. Overall findings concluded less stress, fatigue, and apathy of those in ergonomic chair arrangement than their sitting counterparts. The same survey found that mood and energy levels reverted to baseline levels upon returning to a sitting workspace. Increased time sitting in the same position has been linked to both anxiety and depression.

Itâ019s an easy fix. Stand up. Imagine this: you wake up one morning and are suddenly in a great mood and have more energy than youâ019ve had in years. Youâ019re able to get out of bed with little to no pain and can exercise without a high risk of injury. Youâ019re sharp. There is no fogginess, and your mind is racing with great ideas, opportunities, and excitement. Youâ019re focused and arrive at your workspace, feeling great. You set your coffee cup on your L shaped standing desk and get ready for the day. Would those benefits allow you to be more productive throughout the day?

The studies mentioned above all evaluate the effects of standing desks introduced into either a workplace environment or a school. The results all show significant boosts in productivity as well as in cognitive function. Itâ019s important to note that some studies that suggest being on your feet all day can decrease comfort and lead to decreases in productivity. But itâ019s important that we remember that modern standing desks are height adjustable - so these studies arenâ019t really relevant to you, unless your work requires you to stand all day. The larger point is that the benefits of small standing desk go beyond just our health. There is now real science that tells us that small standing desk can have economic and developmental benefits, as well - on a personal level, and for society. We encourage you to give it a try for yourself, and let us know how it goes!
Geschrieben von deskww | 07.07.2023 um 09:36 Uhr
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