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The format cried wolf!
Advertising formats are bodies.

And in some respects, our ads are even similar to us.

Formats are like employees, working for different brands.

The image used on the surface, just changes the body language and the clothing of the format.

It can't change our experience with the format, nor the behaviour that the format confronted us with in our past.

When a format gets on our nerves, in our way, disturbs or lies to us â013 the whole character of the format changes in our perception.

The impact of bad behaviour, affects the brand using the format, plus the format in itself.

To draw comparisons, and for future orientation, our mind unconsciously tags the format with negative keywords.

What we see is the surface.

We base our evaluation of the inner attributes on the tags related to the outer attributes.

When the outer attributes are connected to negative tags in our minds, they rub off onto what the format wants to tell us.

The ideal advertising format has to be trustworthy.

Before we start to listen, weâ019re critical about the validity.

Weâ019re sure not to trust too much, so why should we act?

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Geschrieben von Microtargeting | 07.08.2008 um 11:42 Uhr
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