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31 Treffer für „Marketing“ – Diese Blog-Beiträge spuckt unsere Suchmaschine für dich aus

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Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 09.08.2008 um 23:37 Uhr
Life is the framework for everything that we experience as our reality.

Life is incomparable and indispensable.

We canâ019t press pause. We have to consume our life in one flow ...
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Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 08.08.2008 um 15:35 Uhr
Thinking in terms of principles, the wind would be a powerful marketer.

The movements (actions) of the wind are:

- Invisible
- Random-like
- Non-linear

The timeframes of ...
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Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 07.08.2008 um 11:42 Uhr
Advertising formats are bodies.

And in some respects, our ads are even similar to us.

Formats are like employees, working for different brands.

The image used on the surface, just ...
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Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 06.08.2008 um 01:09 Uhr
Motivation is willingness to act.

And without a necessity â013 there is no action.

So to generate action â013 we have to generate the necessity first.

Our will to act, ...
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Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 05.08.2008 um 00:24 Uhr
Packaging is a product attribute of many, blending into the whole composition of needed value.

When brought to perfection, the clothing of the product becomes a powerful asset, taking ...
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Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 03.08.2008 um 21:55 Uhr
Following rules, means adapting the methods of others.

In business â013 this equals becoming a follower â013 leaving further actions faceless or equal.

By applying methods, ...
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Marketing | Business |
Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 03.08.2008 um 00:27 Uhr
Periodically, we see new options for web usage emerging.

And every new service, is a new chance to underline uniqueness and originality through the way we use the things that come out ...
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Marketing | Business |
Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 31.07.2008 um 23:24 Uhr
When we sell, weâ019re usually on the other side.

Our clients perceive us this way.

Like two teams playing against each other - client vs. seller.

To sell - we need shares ...
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Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 30.07.2008 um 23:29 Uhr
Our doubts and objections are often based on unanswered questions in our minds...

...and unanswered questions are good reasons for not buying.

As possible clients, we don't have the will ...
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Business | Marketing | Time |
Geschrieben von Microtargeting am 29.07.2008 um 23:29 Uhr
Your will to listen, is the subtle testimony that you leave in the subconscious layers of her mind.

You donâ019t have to say much â013 you just have to ask questions that ...
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