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MILENA ODA.Booktrailer.Buch-Trailer zum Roman: "Nennen Sie mich Diener"

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Content: Two disturbed men, obsessed by their own rules and systems: Leonard believes he is an obedient servant but serves only himself, according to a system of serving rules he himself has determined. Professor King can only relate to the world through arithmetic; he is a numbers collector who has developed a system for measuring every footstep. He employs Leonard believing he can manipulate him. Leonard believes he has finally found a master he can serve. Both men founder on the rocks of their demands and desires. Milena Oda has created two extraordinary figures, authentically masculine, and with them a dysfunctional fairy tale with a bizarre and a surprising ending
The Debut novel "Nennen Sie mich Diener" was published in GERMANY /DRESDEN by: Verlag SchumacherGebler 2011


Tags: milena | oda | autorin | Writer | books | New York | Berlin |

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20.01.2014 | 14:55 Uhr


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